Thursday, 30 January 2014

more UK news! Bournemouth .... Marlow .... High Wycombe and more .. . . .

We got back from the UK this weekend, after a great and very busy trip. Here are some of the highlights of many . .. .. .

We'd like to thank the parish of St Francis in Bournemouth for their hospitality, and showing us their newly restored church. We had an amazing lunch there before heading up to the High Wycombe area, and are really looking forward to seeing some of the church members here later in the year.

                  St. Francis Church
We then headed to the Marlow area, where Dani gave a short after dinner talk at the Marlow Churches Together (CTM) dinner. It was great to see so many old friends there in a very well attended event of over 150 people.

Following the dinner there was a surprise in store for Marlow FM listeners, as Dani took to the airwaves with Pat Reading, during the "Faith Matters" show. 

Marlow FM had relocated to a room in the Methodist Church in the town centre, as it's normal location was under water due to the Thames flooding in the area. This meant we were able to get there after the dinner before the end of the show.

At the studio - 21.01.2014 @ 22.30

The following day All Saints High Wycombe had very kindly arranged a book launch event for "Transformed by the Beloved", at which Bishop Alan and Dani spoke. Again it was great to meet new and old friends there too.

(photo Richard Everton)
And the trip was wrapped up with Dani preaching at the morning service on Sunday, before we made our way back to Gatwick airport for the journey home.